
Various values of the Tiger Reserve are identified, categorized and presented as follows.

Priority No. / Value category
Illustrative constituents
1. Biological
  • West coast Tropical ever green forests
  • Significant population of Tigers, Elephants, LTM and Nilgiri Tahr.
  • First time discovery of distinct plant species Musa acuminata (2 varieties) Garcinia cowa, six different fish species new from the area, unique amphibians Racophorus pseudomalabaricus, Nasikabatrachus sahayadrensis, Shrews, New Bats recorded.
  • Core of the Anamalai Ecological continuum.
2. Conceptual
  • Floral diversity – more than 1200 flowering plants, more than 120 species of orchids, 30 species balsams, wild genetic resources of several crops agricultural and horticultural and medicinal importance.
  • Faunal diversity – Vertebrates and invertebrates etc.,
  • Endemic/endangered plant / animal species.
  • Occurrence of rare and threatened wild animal species like tigers, Nilgir tahr, LTM, Hornbills, Cochin forest cane turtle, King cobra etc.,
3. Ecological Process & functions
  • Catchment for various rivers, sustains PAP and other projects crucial for agricultural prosperity of the plains Coimbatore, Erode districts. (Water sanctuary).
  • Carbon sink values and other ecological services of the Anamalai forests is very high requires quantification.
4. Scientific
  • There are unexplored wet evergreen forest (Rain forests) rich in floral and faunal diversity, offers excellent scope for scientific research. Also the rich anthropological diversity provides scope for research on tribals on social, economic and human genetics angles.
5. Educational
  • Rich variety of flora, fauna, tribals, offer scope for nature interpretation, conservation education and environment awareness.
6. Recreational
  • Offers best opportunities for wildlife viewing, trekking, due to the rich biological diversity and scenic beauty. Every year 1 lakh. people visit the Tiger Reserve. Ideal health resort in South India, very refreshing fit to be termed, Oxygen sanctuary.
7. Economic
  • Timber and Non-timer produce value of the Tiger Reserve is immense. Teak plantation 3175 ha. value Rs.400 crores Supports directly the dependent tribal population of 5400 over 35 settlements distributed throughout the sanctuary – Direct life support system
8. Historic
  • Megalithic sites – 2500-3000 years old Panduvarkuzhi(Mandavarkuzhi) in Easalthittu, Kodanthur , Herostones, rampart ruins and broken statues are found in Thalinji. 15th century (Vijayanagar dynasty)
9. Religious & Cultural
  • There are about 15 old temples in and around the Tiger Reserve of great cultural significance.
  • The spiritual literatures associated with Anamalai forest are of global importance worth exploration.
Anaimalai Tiger Reserve